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​招聘會 | InnoJob

Innovating Hong Kong - Global Talent Carnival is dedicated to providing job opportunities for innovative young talents with a higher education. We invited international companies, top Chinese companies, and local Hong Kong innovative companies to join the two-day job fair. 

2025春季平面圖(待定) Floor Plan 2025 Spring (Pending)

2024秋季參展企業名單|The exhibitors list for 2024 Autumn 

猎聘 Liepin
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

Liepin was founded in June 2011. As an online platform facilitating three-way communication among headhunters, talents and enterprises for career development, Liepin is specifically de- signed to enhance talents' user experience, with the corporate mission of empowering profes- sionals to achieve career success. Focusing on the core strategy of 'Platform +SaaS+ Service', Liepin has been continuously upgrading its products and expanding new business areas, em- powering the industry with technology and providing more professional human resources ser- vices to recruiters and job seekers. Currently, Liepin has over 100 million registered talent ac- counts, more than 1.36 million verified companies and over 210,000 verified headhunters.On June 29,2018, Liepin was successfully listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and the stock code is 6100.HK.
保誠保險有限公司 Prudential Hong Kong Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Prudential has been serving the people of Hong Kong since 1964. Through Prudential Hong Kong Limited and Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited, we provide a range of financial planning services and products including individual life insurance, investment-linked insurance, retirement solutions, health and medical protection, general insurance and employee benefits to protect over 1 million customers in Hong Kong. In 2023, Prudential established its Macau branch to offer health insurance and financial solutions for the Macau community, completing its footprint in the Greater Bay Area.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
1. 理財顧問Financial Consultant / 資深理財顧問Senior Financial Consultant
2. 營業經理Unit Manager / 資深營業經理Senior Unit Manager
3. 業務經理Business Manager / 資深業務經理Senior Business Manager
友邦保險(國際)有限公司 AIA International Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction : 
友邦精英學院為隸屬「非本地畢業生留港/回港就業安排」(IANG) 計劃下的人士,提供最佳的事業發展平台。 我們提供一系列度身訂造的培訓及發展課程,更有以普通話授課的培訓課程及工作坊,助您探索本地工作前景。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
1) 財務策劃顧問 2) 財富管理經理 3) 高級財富管理經理 4) 副財富管理總監
騰訊 Tencent
公司簡介 Company Introduction : 
騰訊是一家世界領先的互聯網科技公司,用創新的產品和服務提升全球各地人們的生活品質。公司成立於1998年,總部位於中國深圳。公司一直秉承科技向善的宗旨。我們的通信和社交服務連接全球逾10億人,幫助他們與親友聯繫,暢享便捷出行、支付和娛樂生活。 騰訊發行多款風靡全球的電子遊戲及其他優質數字內容,為全球用戶帶來豐富的互動娛樂體驗; 騰訊還提供雲計算、廣告、金融科技等一系列企業服務,支持合作夥伴實現數位化轉型,促進業務發展。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
香港永明金融 Sun Life Hong Kong
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
永明金融是主要的國際金融服務機構,為個人及機構客戶提供 資產管理、財富、保險及健康方案。永明金融在全球多個市場發展業務,管理的總資產為13,400 億加元。(截至2023 年9 月30 日止)。

中銀人壽 BOC Life
公司簡介 Company Introduction :中銀人壽植根香港,於1998 年啟業,一直「以人為本,以客 為先」,糅合專業與關懷,成就無數客戶的理想。我們視顧客為終身夥伴,提供優質而專業的服 務和壽險方案;我們講求效益,為股東創增價值;我們重視員工,務求成為員工心目中的首選僱主。 


We are rooted in Hong Kong since we commenced our business in 1998. We embrace “people centricity and customer first” by integrating professionalism and care, fulfilling numerous aspirations of our customers. We see customers as life partners and we provide them with quality and professional services and life insurance solutions; we pursue efficiency and value creation for shareholders; we value employees and strive to be the employers of choice. BOC Life's solid financial strength has been affirmed by international rating agencies, including financial strength rating of "A" by Standard & Poor's and "A1" by Moody's Investors Service. As the pioneer in Hong Kong’s RMB insurance market, we enjoy the market leading position for years.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 財富管理經理 Wealth Management Manager
中國移動香港有限公司 China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : Graduate Trainee, Youth TRYer, Engineer / Assistant Engineer
中國建築工程(香港)有限公司 China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
中國建築工程(香港)有限公司(下稱"公司"或”中建香港“) 於一九七九年開始於香港從事建築業務,包括房屋工程、土木工程、基礎工程、地盤勘察、機電工程和混凝土生產等建築相關業務。同時是香港大型建築商之一,持有五個由工務局發出的最高等級的C 牌建造執照,可競投標額不受限制的公共樓宇建築、海港工程、道路與渠務、地盤開拓及水務工程。
四十年來,中建香港以卓越及優質的管理參與建築行業,一直發揮建造高質素、技術性工程的核心專長。在香港及澳門先後承建了逾800 項工程,累積了豐富及多方面的經驗及能力,包括房屋工程如公營房屋、私人住宅樓宇、商業、工業、醫療機構、教育文化設施、酒店、公共建設(包括香港新機場客運大樓); 土木工程如土地平整、公路、橋樑、填海、隧道等;以及打樁、機電工程等。
中建(香港)的母公司為中國建築國際集團有限公司(下稱”中國建築國際“),中國建築國際為一間採用縱向綜合業務模式的建築、投資綜合企業,並於2005 年香港聯合交易所主板上市(股票編號:3311)。
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. We serve approximately 39 million customers through our global businesses: Wealth and Personal Banking, Commercial Banking, and Global Banking & Markets. Our network covers 62 countries and territories in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, North America and Latin America.
Jadeite Family Office Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :  Consultant, Senior Consultant, Principal Consultant, Associate Partner, Partner, Wealth Manager, Senior Wealth Manager, Principal Wealth Manager
南洋商業銀行 Nanyang Commercial Bank
公司簡介 Company Introduction : 
南洋商業銀行有限公司(簡稱「南商」)於1949年12月14日在香港開業。南商本著「以客為先、以禮待人」的服務宗旨及堅守「信譽第一、服務至上」的原則, 以立足香港、背靠祖國、面向世界, 服務各地客戶為己任。
南商圍繞「以客戶為中心,依託金融科技,打造跨境和投商行聯動的專業銀行」的戰略目標,通過各種渠道為客戶提供方便、快捷、高效、專業的銀行服務,目前,本行在香港各區設有33間分行,並在中國內地成立全資附屬公司—— 南洋商業銀行(中國)有限公司 (簡稱「南商中國 」),全面規劃建設一體化的業務模式、產品體系和管理模式,貫徹「One Bank」理念,為客戶提供全面銀行服務。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
鳳凰衞視有限公司 Phoenix Satellite Television Company Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
鳳凰衛視投資(控股)有限公司為香港主板上市公司,是海外 最大的全媒體華語文化傳媒集團,旗下擁有鳳凰衛視、鳳凰網、鳳凰都市傳媒、鳳凰週刊、鳳凰 秀、鳳凰數字科技等品牌,在國際華語媒體領域享有盛譽。
華潤(集團)有限公司 China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd.
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies ::
分析檢測工程師、軟件開發工程師、AI算法工程師、科創合作推廣負責人、合規主任、藥理研究、採購崗、銷售崗、策劃崗 (不完全)
Queue Associates Worldwide China Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Queue Associates Worldwide China Limited, a Microsoft Dynamics Gold Certified Partner, is a full-service affiliate office for Queue Associates, Inc. that is based in Hong Kong. Regarded as one of the most knowledgeable consultants in Asia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, the award-winning Queue team is focused on providing Microsoft-based solutions to various-sized organisations. These solutions include Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365 accounting and finance, project accounting, financial reporting, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), including Microsoft Dynamics AX, NAV, SL, GP, Management Reporter, Azure, SQL and Power BI

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Technical Support Consultant/Specialist: English & Cantonese speaking (Native to Bilingual)
學而思教育科技(香港)有限公司 The Think Academy Education Centre
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
數學老師(校内體系), 數學老師(競賽體系), 新媒體運營專員, 學生事務專員
新東方國際教育 New Oriental Education& Technology Group
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
新東方國際教育是新東方教育科技集團旗下最核心的業務—新東方留學考試板塊進行組織升級而來,為全年齡段國際教育培訓領域,提供留學考試備考輔導、國際學校備考輔導、國際學科(AP、A Level、IB等)、國際預科以及提升國際競爭力的各類英語能力提升及學科學術能力提升的課程和服務,目前在職員工13,000人,覆蓋47個城市,累計為數百萬名學子提供課程培訓,實現留學夢想!

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
周大福人壽保險有限公司 Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : Life Planner
上海商業銀行 Shanghai Commercial Bank
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Incorporated in November 1950, Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. is one of the most well known local Chinese banks in Hong Kong. At present, there are more than 40 local and overseas branches. The Bank has always been pursuing the motto of its founder, Mr. Kwang-pu Chen, to 'Serve the Community'. The Bank's slogan of 'For Personalized Service' and 'All in a Family' denotes the Bank's devotion to providing personalized services to its clients and promoting a harmonious relationship among its staff members.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
- Teller
- Customer Service Representative
- Assistant Manager, Cross-border Business Development
- Relationship Manager / Assistant Relationship Manager / Relationship Officer
- Project Manager / System Analyst / Analyst Programmer
迅樂思 Telus Digital
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
TELUS Digital AI Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities and Onsite jobs in many regions for people with a passion for languages. We have both part-time jobs with no fixed schedule and onsite full-time jobs. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI Community.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Online Data Analyst, Media Search Analyst, Audio Data Collection, Personalized Internet Assessor
Jobsdb by SEEK
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Jobsdb是香港具領導地位的求職招聘平台,自1998年成立以來,致力幫助求職者覓得理想工作。Jobsdb由澳洲證券交易所上市公司SEEK 經營,憑藉其深厚的本地專業知識,與SEEK世界頂尖的人工智能技術及平台融合,在亞太地區內為僱主及人才提供匹配服務。
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
水滴金融服務(香港)有限公司(簡稱“水滴金融”)創立於香港,為個人和企業客戶提供專業的保險經紀及財富規劃服務,以用戶為本滿足多元化需求。公司憑藉前瞻性的營運理念、強大的產品業務支持網路、專業的規劃諮詢團隊為客戶的財富服務。 透過這個龐大的平臺,我們為客戶提供理財策劃,強制性公積金,保險服務,風險管理等全方位金融服務。水滴金融母公司(水滴公司)已於二零二一年五月七日正式登陸紐約證券交易所(股票代碼:WDH)。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Wealth Management Manager 财富管理经理, Management Trainee Program 管理培训生计划, Business Development Director 业务发展总监
Savills Realty Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
For over 160 years, Savills has been helping people thrive through place and spaces.     Listed on the London Stock Exchange, we have more than 40,000 professionals collaborating across over 70 countries, delivering unrivalled coverage and expertise to the world of commercial and prime residential real estate.   By applying world research data and trends to local and global settings, we’re able to empower our clients with insights from the forefront of the industry – bringing their aspirations to life through innovative, tailor-made solutions. Whether we are working with a global corporate looking to expand, an investor seeking to sustainably optimize their portfolio, or a family trying to find a new home, we help our clients make better property decisions.   
香港人才服務辦公室 Hong Kong Talent Engage
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
香港特別行政區政府勞工及福利局轄下的香港人才服務辦公室為來港人才提供全方位的一站式支援服務,幫助他們落户香港,快速融入新環境作長期發展。 Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE), under the Labour and Welfare Bureau of the HKSAR Government, provides comprehensive one-stop support services for incoming talent to settle in and integrate into Hong Kong for long-term development.
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
友邦圓桌家族是集團發展最迅速的團隊,17位區域總監,200位營業經理帶領超過1000位專業財富管理顧問服務大中華客戶提供保險規劃,退休規劃,投資規劃以及 稅務規劃等服務,團隊同時成立昇世家族辦公室,擁有迪拜新加坡香港三地全金融牌照,提供資產管理,信託,家族基金成立等一站式服務。是全港唯一雙引擎事業發展。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Financial Planner / Wealth Management Manager / Wealth Management Director / Assistant Unit Manager
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Headquartered in Singapore, the company was established in 2016 and is a joint venture between Kelly Services, Inc. and affiliates of PERSOL HOLDINGS Co. Ltd. Today, PERSOLKELLY operates more than 80 offices across 13 markets including Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. We bring over four decades of experience in Hong Kong – coupled with our established operations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen – to offer a winning combination of strong local market understanding, industry experience, regional expertise in the Greater Bay Area. We are proud of the accolades we have received. These honours drive us to continue innovating around your business needs, time and time again.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
萬通保險國際有限公司 YF Life Insurance International Ltd.
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
萬通保險國際有限公司為港交所上市公司雲鋒⾦融集 團成員,集團的主要股東包括雲鋒⾦融控股有限公司 以及「全美5⼤互惠壽險公司」之⼀的美國萬通⼈壽 保險公司。憑藉雄厚實⼒及穩健可靠的背景,我們承 諾為客戶提供專業及科技化的⼀站式⾵險及財富管 理,以及強積⾦服務,⼀起建構⾮凡未來。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
財務策劃顧問, 財富管理經理
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Noah Holdings Limited (NYSE: NOAH and HKEX: 6686) is a leading and pioneer wealth management service provider in China offering comprehensive one-stop advisory services on global investment and asset allocation primarily for high net worth investors. Noah’s wealth management business primarily distributes private equity, private secondary, mutual funds, and other products denominated in RMB and other currencies. Through Gopher Asset Management, Noah manages private equity, public securities, real estate, multi-strategy and other investments denominated in RMB and other currencies. In 2023, the Noah Wealth Center, the global headquarters of Noah, was officially put into operation and is the largest offline client service center of Noah. Launched N+ Global Membership in October of the same year to provide a private banking value-added service, Noah N+ has landed in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, and Singapore.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
- Wealth Management: VP Private Wealth Management, Business Development VP, Client Service(Private Wealth Management)
- Asset Management: Fund Screening Product Specialist, Head of Branding
- Insurance: Insurance Broker, Regional Director, Insurance Business Development Senior Director, Trust Products Senior Director, Company Secretary
中智香港有限公司 CIIC Hong Kong Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
公司內部:公司秘書服務主管, 人力資源專案經理
客戶崗位:香港政府IT崗位, 外貿經理, 法務經理, 行政前臺, IOS開發, UIUX設計師, 安卓開發, AI工程師等
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
香港科技青年聯合會發源於在香港科技園公司有兩地工作經驗的員工群體,是由來自香港各界與科技創新產業相關的優秀青年自願結成的非盈利性社會組織,成員及其所在機構包括但不限於:相關政府部門、科技企業、創業團隊、海歸精英、投資機構、高等院校、科研院所等。 香港科技青年聯合會以“植根香港、服務社會、團結青年、科技報國”為宗旨,促進香港科創生態圈的繁榮,推動香港建設成為大灣區乃至國際科技創新中心。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Vita Green stands at the forefront of the health and wellness industry. Founded by two medical doctors in 1993, we are headquartered in Hong Kong and operate in multiple regional offices across the globe. We own a diverse portfolio of well-established brands, including Vita Green, Dr. Choice, and Naturo Vita. With over 1 million satisfied consumers, our product offerings are continually expanding, making waves in markets worldwide. With people at the heart of everything we do, we invest significantly in innovative research and development, striving for the highest standards to create a healthier future.
紫荊雜誌社 Bauhinia Magazine
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
《紫荊》雜誌於1990年10月創刊。2020年底,紫荊雜誌社加入文化央企紫荊文化集團。經過三十年特別是近年的快速發展,紫荊雜誌社拓展了新媒體傳播、文化交流、理論研究、青少年教育、圖書出版等多領域業務。近年來,雜誌社着力打造“香港領先、海外一流”華文期刊集群,影響力不斷提升,擔任有近50家會員單位的香港期刊傳媒公會創會會長單位。 《紫荊》創刊30餘年來,一直堅持以“影響有影響力的人”為辦刊宗旨,已成為香港公認的權威期刊。雜誌社積極探索具有香港特點的媒體融合新路徑,努力打造“網上新紫荊”,在港澳台期刊新媒體中排名領先。積極打造紫荊品牌活動,每年組織大型活動10場以上,在香港獲得廣泛影響。實施子刊子報差異布局,創辦《知識》《紫荊論壇》《紫荊養生》《港紙》等,實現讀者多層次多維度覆蓋。注重調查研究,旗下紫荊研究院發布多項民調及調研報告,成為社會各界重要參考。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
香港商業專科學校 Hong Kong School of Commerce
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
兼職導師教學(AI及資訊科技、全新非商業科目等) , 行政主任/行政助理(全職下午及晚上)
宏星集團 SV Group
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
「宏星集團」SV Group(以下簡稱SV)宏集眾星,創辦人陳志堅博士(Dr Johnny Chan)與 謝國煇(Andy Tse)於2009年加入「宏利保險」,成功匯集各地星級領袖,攜手打造「亞太區頂尖財富管家」團隊(The Top Wealth-chamberlain in Asia Pacific),為客戶提供「一站式」財富管理服務,開創先河、成為同業典範。 宏星集團僅僅用了 14 年時間,由 78 人 増至 3,000 人,人數增加近 40 倍!由最初的 4 名總監發展到現時 50 多名總監以上級別,堪稱業內奇跡!。透過「宏利保險」的最強後盾,SV成功以「企業化」模式發展保險團隊,在本港、澳門和深圳市場全面拓展,每年創造數以十億元保費的生意,帶領業界步入新里程。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Financial Planning Associate, Financial Planning Consultant, Wealth Mangement Manager, Event and Marketing Executive, Business Development Officer
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
eFinancialCareers, is the world’s leading financial services and technology careers platform.
For our finance professionals, we provide the latest job opportunities,career information and invaluable industry insights they need to maximise their potential. 
For our recruiters or HR professionals we provide a vital competitive edge by enabling them to source highly qualified professionals they need to achieve their strategic ambitions - quickly and efficiently.
We operate in 19 markets to include APAC, North America, Europe and the Middle East. So we’re ideally placed to connect finance professionals to companies. 

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
2500+ Jobs in Hong Kong per month:
Technology, Fintech, Banking, Accounting & Finance, Insurance, Consulting, etc.
會能士人事顧問有限公司 WilliamSELECT
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
At WilliamSELECT, we’ve spent over 40 years mastering the art of connecting talents with opportunities across Asia. With decades of expertise in the people business, we know precisely what to seek, how to discover it, and most importantly, how to align exceptional talents with the right workplaces. The recruitment process can be complicated, but that’s what we do best. With our extensive network, deep industry insights, and forward-thinking approaches, we are well-equipped to meet the changing needs of today’s workforce.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
IT, Finance, Business Support, Sales, Supply Chain, etc.
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
新傳媒集團是香港領先的數碼先導媒體和內容出版商,服務範圍廣泛,歷史悠久的品牌,包括《東方新地》、《新假期》、《新假期Jetso》、《NM+新Monday》、《more》、《Sunday Kiss 親子童萌》、《GOtrip》、《經濟一週》、《SSwagger》及《Madame Figaro HK》,提供旅遊及娛樂、餐飲、時尚及生活、運動、財經及分析和本地文化及趨勢等。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Senior Fullstack Developer, Senior IT Project Execute, IT Project Executive, Devops Engineer, Content Creator, Data Product Specialist, Liaison and Partnership Executive
潤海事業(香港)有限公司 Runsea Industry (HK) Electronic Co., Ltd
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
新材料研發總監、 高分子材料研發工程師、 外貿銷售總監、 外貿銷售經理、 外貿銷售員、 新媒體運營專員、 短視頻製作員、 總經理助理、 總經辦文員、 綜合文員
珠海萬達商管集團 Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

Relying on 500+ commercial shopping centers across the country,‘Jike Zhida’ is a platform that provides comprehensive human resources services for merchants through the digital intelligence model of online and offline integration. With WeChat applets and APPs as carriers, and with unique advantages in online and offline scenarios, the platform provides enterprises with a series of human resources services from recruitment, training, attendance to background investigation, talent evaluation, insurance, labor contract electronic signing, etc., providing job seekers with good jobs at the ‘doorstep’!
Ta Kung
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