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​招聘會 | InnoJob

Innovating Hong Kong - Global Talent Carnival is dedicated to providing job opportunities for innovative young talents with a higher education. We invited international companies, top Chinese companies, and local Hong Kong innovative companies to join the two-day job fair. 

2024春季參展企業名單|The exhibitors list for 2024 Spring

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2024春季部份參展企業名單|Partial list of exhibitors in spring 2024

猎聘 Liepin
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
猎聘於2011年6月上線。作為專業招聘平台,猎聘始終以“讓職場 人更成功”為使命,為企業、人才和獵頭提供精準高效的招聘求職服務。目前猎聘平台擁有超8200萬優質人才,驗證獵頭用戶數超21萬,為超110萬驗證企業提供專業招聘服務。

Liepin was founded in June 2011. As the online platform that allows a three-way communication between headhunters,talents and enterprises for the purpose of elite career development, Liepin is designed specifically with the goal of improving talents’ user experience, with the corporate vision of helping professionals achieve greater success. The creation of Liepin has revolutionized the business model of online recruitment business based on advertisement posting. Currently, Liepin has more than 82 million registered talent accounts and has successfully served more than 1,100,000 verified companies and more than 210,000 verified headhunters.
公司簡介 Company Introduction : 

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Account Executive / Senior Account Executive 銷售助理 / 高級銷售助理
友邦保險(國際)有限公司 AIA International Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction : 
友邦精英學院為隸屬「非本地畢業生留港/回港就業安排」(IANG) 計劃下的人士,提供最佳的事業發展平台。 我們提供一系列度身訂造的培訓及發展課程,更有以普通話授課的培訓課程及工作坊,助您探索本地工作前景。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
1) 財務策劃顧問 2) 財富管理經理 3) 高級財富管理經理 4) 副財富管理總監
香港永明金融 Sun Life Hong Kong
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
永明金融是主要的國際金融服務機構,為個人及機構客戶提供 資產管理、財富、保險及健康方案。永明金融在全球多個市場發展業務,管理的總資產為13,400 億加元。(截至2023 年9 月30 日止)。

安柏環球金融集團 AMG Financial Group
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
建基於全球主要金融中心~香港,安柏環球金融集團為大中華 區內具領導地位之財富管理及金融服務集團之一。安柏與眾多跨國金融機構(包括《財富》世界 500 強企業成員)合作,為客戶提供創新及優質之世界級金融理財服務。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
Wealth Management Advisor, Wealth Management Advisor Trainee
中國銀行(香港) Bank of China (Hong Kong)
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
Entry Level Opportunities, Branch Banking Career Opportunities
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
灣區保險經紀有限公司(Bay Insurance Brokers Limited,簡稱BIB)是一家成立於2015年、受香港保險業監管局監管、戰略定位在粵港澳大灣區的綜合性香港保險經紀公司,業務範圍包括:人壽保險、醫療保險、退休養老計畫、財產保險、投連保險等。 粵港澳大灣區保險業的發展前景十分廣闊,國家政策支持下的大灣區金融業互聯互通也讓未來的香港保險業跨境協作成為了可能。灣區保險經紀將繼續堅持國家大灣區一體化的戰略方針,積極推動香港保險業和中國內地保險業的融合,為未來大灣區保險業的繁榮發展貢獻一份力量。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
醫療保險業務專員, 業務行政支持, 會計助理, IFA專業理財顧問
中銀人壽 BOC Life
公司簡介 Company Introduction :中銀人壽植根香港,於1998 年啟業,一直「以人為本,以客 為先」,糅合專業與關懷,成就無數客戶的理想。我們視顧客為終身夥伴,提供優質而專業的服 務和壽險方案 

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 財富管理經理Wealth Management Manager
中國移動香港有限公司 China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : Graduate Trainee, Youth TRYer, Engineer / Assistant Engineer
中國建築工程(香港)有限公司 China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
中國建築工程(香港)有限公司(下稱"公司"或”中建香港“) 於一九七九年開始於香港從事建築業務,包括房屋工程、土木工程、基礎工程、地盤勘察、機電工程和混凝土生產等建築相關業務。同時是香港大型建築商之一,持有五個由工務局發出的最高等級的C 牌建造執照,可競投標額不受限制的公共樓宇建築、海港工程、道路與渠務、地盤開拓及水務工程。
四十年來,中建香港以卓越及優質的管理參與建築行業,一直發揮建造高質素、技術性工程的核心專長。在香港及澳門先後承建了逾800 項工程,累積了豐富及多方面的經驗及能力,包括房屋工程如公營房屋、私人住宅樓宇、商業、工業、醫療機構、教育文化設施、酒店、公共建設(包括香港新機場客運大樓); 土木工程如土地平整、公路、橋樑、填海、隧道等;以及打樁、機電工程等。
中建(香港)的母公司為中國建築國際集團有限公司(下稱”中國建築國際“),中國建築國際為一間採用縱向綜合業務模式的建築、投資綜合企業,並於2005 年香港聯合交易所主板上市(股票編號:3311)。
公司簡介 Company Introduction: 
Chubb is the world’s largest publicly traded P&C insurance company and the leading commercial lines insurer in the U.S. With operations in 54 countries and territories, Chubb provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance and life insurance to a diverse group of clients.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : Financial Planners
星展銀行 DBS Bank
公司簡介 Company Introduction : 
星展集團是亞洲最大的金融服務集團之一,提供包括個人銀行、中小企業銀行及大型企業銀行的全面金融服務,業務遍及19個市場。總部設於新加坡並於當地上市,星展業務覆蓋亞洲三大增長主軸,即大中華、東南亞和南亞地區。星展資本充裕,所取得的AA-和Aa1級信貸評級位列全球最高級別之一。此外,星展於2009至2023年更連續15年榮獲《環球金融雜誌》評選為「亞洲最安全的銀行」。 星展於亞洲擁有廣泛的業務網絡,並著重員工溝通與賦權,提供員工廣闊的發展機會。

DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia with a presence in 19 markets, providing a full range of services in consumer, SME and corporate banking. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank's "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings are among the highest in the world. In addition, DBS has been accorded the “Safest Bank in Asia“ award by Global Finance for 15 consecutive years from 2009 to 2023. With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting career opportunities.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
Consumer Banking – Treasures Relationship Manager, Treasures Service Executive, Business Development Executive
Private Banking – Relationship Manager, Assistant Relationship Manager, Know Your Customer
Institutional Banking – Relationship Manager
Technology and Operations – Contact Centre, Customer Fulfillment Group Strategy, Transformation, Analytics & Research – Data / Business Analyst 
忠意人壽(香港)有限公司 Generali Life (Hong Kong) Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Generali Life HK.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
MT program
香港交易所 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
香港交易及結算所有限公司(香港交易所)是香港上市公司(香港上市代號:388)及全球領先的國際交易所集團之一,提供一系列股票、衍生產品、大宗商品、定息產品及其他金融產品與服務,旗下企業包括倫敦金屬交易所。 作為連接東西方的超級聯繫人與門戶市場,香港交易所透過與內地市場開創性的互聯互通機制、日趨多元化的產品生態圈,以及流動性充裕的國際化市場,致力於促進中國與世界的雙向資本流通,推動交流與對話。 香港交易所是一家使命驅動的企業,致力通過旗下的業務和香港交易所慈善基金來連接、推動及發展金融市場與社會,攜手共創繁榮。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
Systems Analyst – Associate – Group Risk Management Systems - IT
Systems Development Manager - Assistant Vice President - Listing System - IT
Principal Systems Analyst - Assistant Vice President - Cash Market Data Systems - IT
Principal Software Engineer - AVP - Derivatives Systems - IT
Linux Senior Systems Engineer – Associate - Infrastructure Critical Services – IT
Senior Network Engineer - Associate - Network Operations - IT
Senior Infrastructure Solution Manager - AVP - Infrastructure Solution Architecture - IT
UX/UI Designer - Associate - Common Services - IT - 12-month contract
Cyber Security Solution Architect - Associate - Information Security - IT
香港大公文匯傳媒集團 Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 集團管培生、記者、編輯、視頻編導、美術編輯、電腦工程師、會計師、行政主任、項目經理
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. We serve approximately 39 million customers through our global businesses: Wealth and Personal Banking, Commercial Banking, and Global Banking & Markets. Our network covers 62 countries and territories in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, North America and Latin America.
華邦科技控股有限公司 Huabang Technology Holdings Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
華邦科技控股有限公司是一家香港上市的綜合企業,業務範圍包括金融服務、財富管理,以至民生消費品等板塊。華邦科技時刻精益求精,致力提供優質、卓越及可靠的產品和服務, 務求為客戶、合作夥伴及股東創造長遠價值。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
HR & Admin: Head of Human Resource, Human Resource & Administration Manager / Assistant Manager, Front Services Representative / Receptionist

CEO Office: Senior Manager of CEO Office, Manager of CEO Office

IT: IT Manager, IT Officer

Sales & Marketing: Marketing and Event Officer Asset Management, Relationship Manager, Director of Product Development & Management

Wealth Management: Head of Family Trust, Wealth Management Specialist / Manager
中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited (“ICBC (Asia)”) is a licensed bank incorporated in Hong Kong. It is the flagship of overseas business of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (“ICBC”) - currently the largest commercial bank in China, and it is one of the domestic systemically important banks (D-SIBs) in Hong Kong. Currently, ICBC (Asia) has 47 branches (including 25 branches equipped with “Elite Club” Wealth Management Centres) in Hong Kong. It is engaged in personal banking, commercial banking, cross-border banking, private banking, investment banking and other financial services, including those of securities, insurance and funds, with a focus on retail and commercial banking as well as global market business. Chinese Mercantile Bank and ICBC Asset Management (Global) Company Limited, two wholly-owned subsidiaries of ICBC (Asia), specialise in renminbi services in the Chinese mainland and ICBC’s global asset management business respectively.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : Entry Level Opportunities, Branch Banking Career Opportunities
Jadeite Family Office Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
一瑄的專家一直致力照顧超高淨值人士及其家人,並擁有豐富的經驗。團隊來自不同背景及國家,並於各自的領域有著精闢獨到的見解。我們亦與世界首屈一指的機構合作,為你提供全球超過1000 多種不同的金融產品和服務。你將受益於我們龐大的團隊以及國際網絡。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
-Family Office Wealth Management Consultant
-Consultant (Banking, Investment and Insurance)
-Financial Consultant, Associate (Fresh Grad Welcome)
-Private Financial Consultant/Associate
-Wealth Management Consultant
-Private Wealth Management Consultant/Associate
南洋商業銀行 Nanyang Commercial Bank
公司簡介 Company Introduction : 
南洋商業銀行有限公司(簡稱「南商」)於1949年12月14日在香港開業。南商本著「以客為先、以禮待人」的服務宗旨及堅守「信譽第一、服務至上」的原則, 以立足香港、背靠祖國、面向世界, 服務各地客戶為己任。
南商圍繞「以客戶為中心,依託金融科技,打造跨境和投商行聯動的專業銀行」的戰略目標,通過各種渠道為客戶提供方便、快捷、高效、專業的銀行服務,目前,本行在香港各區設有33間分行,並在中國內地成立全資附屬公司—— 南洋商業銀行(中國)有限公司 (簡稱「南商中國 」),全面規劃建設一體化的業務模式、產品體系和管理模式,貫徹「One Bank」理念,為客戶提供全面銀行服務。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
1.客戶經理(企金/工商) 2.客戶經理(南商理財)
1. 資訊科技經理(系統運維) 2. 資訊科技經理(資訊安全) 3. 電子銀行經理
1. 財務管理經理 (財務合規 / 預算及規劃 / 資產負債管理) 2. 會計經理 3. 業務分析員 (財務 / 會計系統)
授信及風險管理 :
1. 授信監控經理 2. 風險管理經理 3. 信貸風險經理 4. 合規經理(一般合規) 
新世界發展有限公司 New World Development Company Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :

Founded in 1970, New World Development Company Limited ( "the Group", Hong Kong stock code: 00017) was publicly listed in Hong Kong in 1972 and is a constituent stock of the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index. A premium brand infused with a unique personality, New World Group’s core business areas include investment in property and property development, and investment in and/or operation of hotels and other strategic businesses. Its operations in Greater China, especially the Greater Bay Area. The Group has an effective interest of approximately 75% in New World Department Store China Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 0825) and wholly owns New World China Land Limited.
諾亞國際 Noah International (Hong Kong)
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Noah Holdings Group (NOAH.US/6686.HK) established its first overseas financial licensed subsidiary in Hong Kong in 2012, and has been working in three major business areas, including wealth management, asset management and integrated financial services, to provide global high net worth individuals, families and corporate clients with comprehensive overseas asset allocation and financial services.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Wealth Management:
1. Client Services, Private Wealth Management/Strategic Client. 2.Team leader/VP Private Wealth Management/Strategic Client. 3.Business Development VP

Asset Management:
1.Research Analyst. 2.Fund Accountant Assitant. 3.Real Estate Investment Analyst. 4. Product Director

1.Immigration Consultant. 2.Trust Relationship Manager. 3.Insurance Survival Director. 4.Product Specialist

1. Legal. 2.Risk. 3.Compliance. 4. Human Resources.5.Branding/Marketing.6.Finance. 7. Fin-tech.
鳳凰衞視有限公司 Phoenix Satellite Television Company Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
鳳凰衛視投資(控股)有限公司為香港主板上市公司,是海外 最大的全媒體華語文化傳媒集團,旗下擁有鳳凰衛視、鳳凰網、鳳凰都市傳媒、鳳凰週刊、鳳凰 秀、鳳凰數字科技等品牌,在國際華語媒體領域享有盛譽。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 
會計助理、編譯、副編輯、副編譯主任、編譯主任、 音響控制員、切換台操作員、技術指導、高級技術操作員、節目助理、節目製作人、初級新聞主 編/記者、副新聞主編、髮型師、廣播運作技術員、編導、導播、外景採訪技術員、高級攝影師、 節目剪接師、助理技術經理、高級系統管理員、節目剪接師/助理節、目資料管理主任、專題編 導、香港新聞採訪中心高級記者、編輯、內容運營,高級內容策劃
保誠保險有限公司 Prudential Hong Kong Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Prudential has been serving the people of Hong Kong since 1964. Through Prudential Hong Kong Limited and Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited, we provide a range of financial planning services and products including individual life insurance, investment-linked insurance, retirement solutions, health and medical protection, general insurance and employee benefits to protect over 1 million customers in Hong Kong. In 2023, Prudential established its Macau branch to offer health insurance and financial solutions for the Macau community, completing its footprint in the Greater Bay Area.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
Financial Consultant / Senior Financial Consultant / Business Manager / Senior Business Manager
Queue Associates Worldwide China Limited
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Queue Associates Worldwide China Limited, a Microsoft Dynamics Gold Certified Partner, is a full-service affiliate office for Queue Associates, Inc. that is based in Hong Kong. Regarded as one of the most knowledgeable consultants in Asia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, the award-winning Queue team is focused on providing Microsoft-based solutions to various-sized organisations. These solutions include Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365 accounting and finance, project accounting, financial reporting, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), including Microsoft Dynamics AX, NAV, SL, GP, Management Reporter, Azure, SQL and Power BI

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : Technical Support Consultant/Specialist
學而思教育科技(香港)有限公司 The Think Academy Education Centre
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
香港學而思隸屬於好未來教育集團(NYSE:TAL),是國内首家在美股上市的中小學教育機構。香港學而思設立于 2018 年,是集團第一家在境外成立的分校,為學前、小學、中學的學生提供覆蓋校内及競賽内容的數學課程。

招聘職位 Job Vacancies : 專職數學思維導師 Mathematics Tutor
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
Global Education Group: Empowering Futures with Tailored Excellence
全球教育集团: 以量身定制的卓越教育赋能未来

Global Education Group has been committed to becoming a beacon for innovative educational institutions, providing tailor-made education and immigration consulting services, encompassing academic coaching, overseas study planning, immigration advice, and personal development planning.

We center around the needs of our clients, bringing together a team of experts with extensive experience in the fields of education and immigration. In particular, Our team members have a wealth of practical experience in cross-regional educational projects in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Australia. Ultimately, our mission is to deliver professional, efficient, and personalized services, empowering our clients to achieve their educational and career development goals, and paving the way for a broader future.

招聘職位 Job Vacancies :
留学顾问 Study Abroad Consultant, 文书老师 Essay Instructor/Essay Tutor, 教育顾问/导师 Educational Consultant/Tutor, 市场运营 Marketing Specialist, 兼职导师 Part-time Tutor
深圳新东方国际教育培训中心 Shenzhen New Oriental School
公司簡介 Company Introduction :
china state
Ta Kung
YF life
The think
new school
New World
bay insurance
china moble
Universal education


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