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為匯聚全球人才,為粵港澳大灣區進行未來20年的國際人才儲備,由一帶一路科技金融協會、港漂圈、香港菁英會及粵港澳大灣區青年總會聯合主辦,友邦精英學院冠名贊助的「友邦精英學院:創新香港國際人才嘉年華 2019」定於明年3月23-24日一連兩日假亞洲國際博覽館舉行。
「友邦精英學院:創新香港國際人才嘉年華 2019」是一個集國際人才招聘會、論壇和工作坊於一身的大型盛事,致力打造由香港驅動、惠及大灣區的可持續創新人才生態圈。據統計,本港每年約有逾2萬名大學畢業生,其中1.2萬名為內地學生。現時留港就業的內地畢業生共超過10萬,本活動為這些人士搭建了通向未來的橋樑。
「友邦精英學院:創新香港國際人才嘉年華 2019」主席、一帶一路科技金融協會創會主席馬鴻銘BBS, JP於新聞發佈會上致辭表示,香港的優勢在於吸引高新技術的專業人才,以維持高級別的人才庫,期望藉此活動,每年逐步擴大規模,吸引更多全球人才及企業參與,發展成具影響力的招聘盛會,不僅鞏固香港具優勢的人才庫,更為粵港澳大灣區進行國際人才儲備,協助青年發展搭建橋樑,為大灣區以至一帶一路國家輸入人才,助力推動未來的建設發展。
「友邦精英學院:創新香港國際人才嘉年華 2019」執行主席、港漂圈創始人趙磊先生表示,是次嘉年華提供接近150個參展攤位,覆蓋IT/互聯網、生物科技、金融科技、房地產等領域,預計入場人次超過2萬。活動現場將舉行多場論壇,邀請知名企業和人士演講及討論,與青年人分享經驗,啟發他們認清長遠發展目標,成為推進香港以至大灣區經濟創新的中堅分子。
如有任何關於參展的事宜,可聯絡「友邦精英學院:創新香港國際人才嘉年華 2019」香港區獨家代理RT Management Limited 陳小姐 (電話:3590 9975) 或李小姐 (電話:3590 4856)查詢。
RT Management Limited
Ms. Carly Chan Tel: 3590 9975 Email: carly@rtm.com.hk
Ms. Yan Li Tel: 3590 4856 Email: yanli@rtm.com.hk
AIA Premier Academy: Innovating Hong Kong Global Talent Carnival 2019
Press Conference
In order to bring together global talents and create a talent reserve for the Greater Bay Area in the next twenty years, the "AIA Premier Academy: Innovating Hong Kong Global Talent Carnival 2019", title-sponsored by AIA and jointly organized by Hong Kong-International Talent Carnival Co., Ltd. and Gangpiaoquan, The Y. Elites Association and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Youth Association, is scheduled for 23 and 24 March next year at the Asia World-Expo.
"AIA Premier Academy: Innovating Hong Kong Global Talent Carnival 2019" is a large-scale event comprising international talent recruitment fairs, forums and workshops. It is committed to foster an ecosystem of talents propelled by Hong Kong and contributing to the Greater Bay Area. According to statistics, 20,000 university students graduate from Hong Kong annually, of which 12,000 are from the mainland. Of date, more than 100,000 mainland graduates work in Hong Kong. This event aims at paving the way to the future for participants.
Mr. Ma Hung Ming John, BBS, JP, Chairman of "AIA Premier Academy: Innovating Hong Kong Global Talent Carnival 2019" and Founding Chairman of the Belt & Road Tech Fin, commented at the press conference, “Hong Kong’s edge in attracting innovative technological talents, thereby maintaining a high-quality talent reserve. We wish to grow this Carnival into an influential international recruitment event engaging more global talents and corporates, strengthening Hong Kong’s leading status as a global talent hub while building an international talent reserve for the Greater Bay Area. It is our mission to help youngsters make constructive connections for their career, and at the same time to supply the Greater Bay Area and Belt and Road countries with talents. We are committed to propel the country’s development in the future.”
In his speech, Mr. Peter Crewe, Chief Executive Officer of AIA Hong Kong & Macau, commented that, “Hong Kong’s leadership position in talent and innovation makes it a very exciting time to work here. With technology and innovation moving at the speed of light, tech-savvy and adaptive young talents will be a workforce game changer. This is especially true of the insurance sector. Our industry is on the verge of a major transformation, brought about by digital disruption and emerging technologies, such as A.I. This is the time when young, dynamic talents with vision are needed to help shape the insurance industry’s digital transformation and make us a business of tomorrow.”
Mr. Raymond Zhao, Executive Chairman of "AIA Premier Academy: Innovating Hong Kong Global Talent Carnival 2019" and Founder of Gangpiaoquan said, the Carnival hosts close to 150 booths, spanning the fields of the IT, Internet, biotechnology, financial technology, real estate and beyond. The event expects over 20,000 visitors. A series of forums led by renowned enterprises and individuals will be held to share experiences with young people, inspiring them to set clear long-term goals for themselves, and to contribute towards the economic innovation of the Greater Bay Area.
For any inquiries or matters related to participating at the carnival, please contact the exclusive Hong Kong agent RT Management Limited at 3590 9975 Ms. Chan or 3590 4856 Ms. Li.
Media Inquiries:
RT Management Limited
Ms. Carly Chan Tel: 3590 9975 Email: carly@rtm.com.hk
Ms. Yan Li Tel: 3590 4856 Email: yanli@rtm.com.hk